application for membership

PAA Application Form

Applying for PAA Membership is easy.  Please follow these simple steps.

  1. Download the following application form: Downloadable PAA Application Form

  2. Read the application form and fill out the form as best as you can. If you are paying with a credit card, please sign and date form.

  3. Apply via:

    1. Fax: If you are applying by fax, please fax your completed form by faxing it to this number:
      (310) 478-8278 c/o Rocelle Bade.

      You will receive a response from PAA confirming your membership.

    2. Mail: If you are applying by mail, please mail it to:

      Pilipino Alumni Association of UCLA
      c/o Diversity Outreach Council
      UCLA - James West Alumni Center
      Los Angeles CA 90095-1397

      You will receive a response from PAA confirming your membership.

  4. PAA Online Application